RANDOM THOUGHTS Greatest Unsolved Mysteries of the Planet We Inhabit, the Earth by Kishita Gupta June 27, 2020September 5, 2020
THINGS TO DO 5 Last-Minute DIY Gift Ideas for Father’s Day by Kishita Gupta June 21, 2020September 15, 2020
CRITICS COUCH Upload: One of the Good Shows on Amazon Prime by Kishita Gupta June 20, 2020June 20, 2020
CRITICS COUCH Dear Cameras at Dunder Mifflin Paper Company by Kishita Gupta May 16, 2020June 23, 2020
RANDOM THOUGHTS Boys locker room (boislockerroom), Targeting Man or Woman? by Kishita Gupta May 12, 2020September 5, 2020
THINGS TO DO A Daily SUDOKU: One of the Best Brain Exercise Games? by Kishita Gupta May 8, 2020September 5, 2020
RANDOM THOUGHTS Is it Morally Justified to take an Incorrect Action in Times of Need? by Kishita Gupta May 7, 2020June 23, 2020